Bainbridge Water Authority

  Quality and Protection

The purpose of the Wellhead Protection Plan is to safeguard the public health, safety and welfare, by providing regulation of land use and the manufacture, use, storage, transport, or disposal of hazardous and other substances which pose a threat to the quality and quantity of groundwater being extracted from municipal wells in Conoy Township.

BWA has a Wellhead Protection Program in place. The plan was originally prepared by R. E. Wright Associates, Inc. in 1992 and updated by Rettew Associates in 2008.

The plan consists of the following:

Review of BWA's pumping schedules and future water supply demands.

Identification of potential contamination in the wellhead area.

Review of the ground water quality.


Review of new potential well sites and possible contamination.


Reviews emergency contingency plans.

To review the Hydrogeologic Base map please click on the Wellhead Map link below.

Wellhead Map

To review the Annual Drinking Water Quality Report please click on the CCR Report link below.




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